Kinshofer Crane Forks
Kinshofer Crane Forks
Kinshofer Crane Pallet Forks offer up to 6000 Lbs. Capacity. Proven quality by KINSHOFER. Regardless of whether you're moving construction supplies, building supplies, paving stones or bricks, boxes or anything else, Kinshofer Crane Forks help you save time and money.The efficient KM420 Self Leveling Crane Pallet Fork with spring loaded center of gravity compensation can easily be adapted to different loads with adjustable plunge depth and adjustable tine spread. The KM416 Manual Leveling Pallet Fork is perfect where you're loading and unloading consistent pallet loads. The KM420 and KM416 all offer adjustable throat heights, with the KM420-6040 version extending to an incredible 90 Inch throat height.
The forged, tapered tines slide easily under pallets.
Easy tine adjustment for different pallets allowing optimum load distribution.
For precise positioning a shaft rotator can optionally be mounted.